
The legendary big lap is a route that circles the continent of Australia following highway 1. Since 85% of the Australian population live within 50km of the ocean this lap also leads through every major city except Alice Springs in the center of the continent.


From 2019 to 2021 we lived in a Toyota Coaster motorhome that we lovingly called Lil’ Beaut. We put over 40,000 kilometers on that bus as we explored the Big Lap with a little detour down to the center. It was definitely the trip of a lifetime.


Check out how much it cost and our favorite places below.

A dirt road in Burekup Western Australia

Lockdown in 118 square Feet

During the shelter-in-place order, we spent sixty-three days in a 118 sq.- foot home. That is about 155 times smaller than the last home we owned and lived in North Carolina before retiring from corporate. Yet it feels like a luxury. Luxury: a state of great comfort or elegance To me luxury is something I

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A man awaiting his incarceration in Fremantle Prison in Western Australia

Confinement in Fremantle Prison

Before the world went crazy and we were all sequestered in our own homes I took three different tours of Fremantle Prison which is situated near Perth in Western Australia. My mind keeps going back to those tiny cells, smaller than our six-meter bus Lil’ Beaut that we live in. Not only were the cells

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Budding grass in a recently burned out area

How Australia responds to tragedy

“G’Day, how you going?” “I’m stuffed” “Have a beer from the Esky, mate. I’ll throw something on the barbie” Translated into USA English: “Hello, how are you doing?” “I’m tired” or “I’m in trouble”“Have a beer from the cooler my friend. I’ll throw something on the BBQ” When you are in trouble in Australia, there

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