South America

South America a land of Ancient ruins, salt flats seen from space, deserts that never experience rain, the third largest ice cap in the world and more!

Trin on typewriter for travel apps

Our Top FREE Travel Apps

In our almost seven years of full-time travel, we have accumulated a bunch of travel apps that we use for trip planning, learning, keeping in touch with people, and generally making our travel easier. It’s like a team that you can call upon when needed. Think of it as a group of minions except that

Our Top FREE Travel Apps Read More »

Box Canyon in Utah

Living Frugally as a Vagabond

I thought about naming this article “How to save money by putting a water bottle in your underwear” but then thought better.  It’s a good tip though, and I will share that with you shortly (pun intended). We live as a vagabond, literally a person with no permanent home.  That doesn’t mean destitute or without money. 

Living Frugally as a Vagabond Read More »

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