South America

South America a land of Ancient ruins, salt flats seen from space, deserts that never experience rain, the third largest ice cap in the world and more!

The Marble Caves Chile

The Marble Caves of Chile

Imagine being in a cave with marble walls. Colorful veins in the stone make intricate patterns all around you. You reach out and run your hand across the surface and feel the cold from the stone sapping the warmth from your hand. The marble has a million miniscule ridges carved out by wind and water […]

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Trin swimming in the crystal clear water of a cave in Brazil

The Enchanted Caves

The darkness closed around us like a layer of black oil, not even a little glow from a random piece of electronic equipment appeared. Nothing could be seen in any direction. The silence was complete and the air absolutely still. I found the absence of sensory distraction peaceful. I took a deep breath and relaxed,

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