Central America

Dive in blue waters, listen to howler monkies in the jungle, and run from fireworks on New Years Eve, live the Central American adventure.

Corn Islands

Our Year in Review: 2017

Over a year on the road and it’s been nothing like we expected but more than we had hoped for.  I count our blessings for the many wonderful people we have met and the places we have seen.  I have enjoyed sharing these experiences with you, our readers, and hope that it encourages you to […]

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Three Months in PANAMA

As we prepared to cross the Sixaola border from Costa Rica into Panama our plan was to spend only two weeks in the country and then move on to Colombia.  We heard it was expensive.  Many backpackers speed through Panama so there were very few stories of its beauty. Our bus approached the border to

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Coiba diving

Swimming with Sharks in Coiba

I was 90 feet (27 meters) underwater and struggling to pull air in through my regulator.  I told myself to calm down. I knew my anxiety was the contributing issue.  People die from letting fear take over.  I knew I needed to fight this fear and I wanted to conquer it…. Click the title to read more

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Cabalgata in Panama

Cabalgata in Boquete

The day of Roger’s cabalgata was blessed with beautiful sunshine. Over 85 horses clopped through the stable’s pathway. There we had set up bails of hay, chairs, and tables for the revelers to hang out while waiting for the start of the ride. GOTTA CABALGATA A cabalgata, which literally translates to cavalcade, is a popular way

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Ducks on a pond

Murder at the Finca

WARNING!  This post contains graphic content. I was sitting there quietly working on my book in the afternoon in my favorite spot when Vidal, the stableman, appeared on the sidewalk, Trin walking behind him. “There’s been a murder,” Trin said in such a dramatic tone that I almost expected to hear the Law and Order signature double

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David Panama hospital

Surgery in David, Panama

I kept my eyes on the tile floor as I was wheeled toward the x-ray room.  I was in a wheelchair in a flimsy hospital gown, the kind that sort of closes in the back, barely.  I’m sure there are a lot of considerations in the gown’s design, but there has to be a better

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A Dark Turn

They say some things are better left buried. I have often thought about writing a book about breaking free from my previous marriage that was wrought with abuse.  The book would delve into what it took to break away from the religious legalism that kept me there for so long.  Everyone goes through struggles in life and mine are no more

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