Who We Are

Slowmads: Slowly traveling about the world full-time

getting geared up for death road

Meet our writer

Bonnie Truax

Writer, Photographer, Wanderer

Bonnie was raised in a home with little money but lots of work ethic. She paid for her own college education by working numerous jobs in order to graduate debt-free. She ended up in an IT career even though her degree was in Counseling.  It was there that she and Trinity met.

Trin with a Thorny Lizard

Meet our editor

Trinity Montero

Editor, Navigator, Wanderer, Language Enthusiast

Trinity was born and raised in the Philippines. At the age of 27, he migrated to the United States with only a suitcase, a few dollars, and an employment contract that enabled him to have a successful career in IT.

Trinity enjoys cooking, working on cars, and generally fixing things. He is the navigator and primary trip planner.

Trin & Bonnie

Together we lived as frugal as our upbringing, props to our parents. We saved most of our income until one day we realized we no longer needed to continue spending 50 to 80 hours at insanely busy corporate jobs.

In 2016 we retired early from our corporate jobs to live our dream of traveling. We renovated a few foreclosed homes, turned them into rental properties, and got rid of all our belongings. If things go according to plan, our diverse investments should keep us on the road till we decide to settle down.

After a necessary relocation during COVID (our craziest travel story) we paused our travel for the winter of 2021-2022 to spend time with family. 

We are currently exploring the European region.

Trinity & Bonnie in Western Australia

Travel Style

Slow Travel

Our travel is slow travel in hopes to get to know each country better and enjoy what it has to offer. 

We adapt our travel to the continent we are exploring. In South American, we backpacked using public transportation. In Australia, we upgraded to a small bus. Each country has a method best suited for it.

Traveling slowly gives us the opportunity to spend time with the incredible people that we meet along the way.


We embrace minimalism. Most of the time, we own only what we can carry or fit in our backpacks.

We love the freedom minimalism gives us, to be able to move at the drop of a hat. 

Minimalism also means letting go of the things that hold us back mentally. Freedom starts with the things we choose to focus on or let go of. 

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