We pulled out of Raleigh the morning of Aug 8th. We had loaded everything we still owned into our car. The good old Subaru looked like it was ready to burst at the seams. We stood there in the parking lot, staring at the car. Everything we owned packed like a futomaki. Barely recognizable things plastered against the car’s windows staring out back at us. We had gotten rid of most of our belongings, yet it felt like we still had too much stuff. At that point, there really was not much else to do but trust that we have made the right decisions on which ones to keep.

We pointed the GPS to Phoenix, put on an audiobook, and off we went.
Headed West
On the first day, we drove across five states to a town just outside of Jackson, Mississippi. Approximately 11 hours on the road. I had envisioned this road trip to be leisurely, with many serendipitous stops, if not mere whim. After all, we should have had all the time in the world. Yet we were content to just let the miles get behind us and not worry about missing out on attractions.
Homeless Packets
The next day, we stopped at a Wal-Mart. While we were there Trin turned to me and said: “Should we get some homeless packets?” (bottled water, applesauce, granola bars, and crackers—packed up together to hand out to homeless people we pass). I said sure, then we headed over to the gallon jugs of water, “Oh,” I said” you mean supplies for us?” and we both laughed at this irony.
When we walk through a store now, I look at everything differently. I don’t need or want anything. When I see something beautiful or very useful, I don’t feel a need to possess it. I admire and enjoy it right where it is, and it is freeing.
We cycled in Mississippi and Louisiana, not much of a ride, but enough to check them off our list. The best part is that we used a fat bike. I have been wanting to try out a fat bike ever since I read Jill Homers blog years ago (an excellent read—I highly recommend it).

Enjoyed this piece and your new perspective.